Alumni of CFD lab. are listed below. They are all active in either industry or academic areas.
Last Updated: 10 Sep 10 2015
Huang, Cheng-Huei (黃丞輝) |
M.S. 2011, Topic: Numerical Study of Lateral Push-pull Ventilation System for Hot Vapors from Wide Plane Source. |
E-mail: M9803305@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Guo, Ming-Jian (郭明建) |
M.S. 2011, Topic: Hemodynamic Analysis for Pulmonary Artery of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Using Phase Contrast MRI |
E-mail: peja1202@hotmail.com |
Burniadi Moballa (伯納蒂) |
M.S. 2012, Topic: Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling for Heat Convection in Enclosure Space. |
E-mail:M9903805@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Giri Nugroho (謝琦力) |
M.S. 2012,. Topic: Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Modeling of Vortex-Induced Vibration of Structures at Moderate Reynolds Numbers. |
E-mail:M9903803@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Shiu. Wei-Cheng (徐偉城) |
M.S. 2012, Topic: Numerical Study for Interation of Oscillatory Flow with Cylinder Array Using Immersed Boundary Method. |
E-mail:whale7751@hotmail.com |
Hsieh, Yi-Hsuan (謝宜軒) |
M.S. 2012, Topic: Analysis of Hemodynamic Characteristics in PC-MRI Measurements for High Flow Resistance and High Volumetric Flow Rate Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Patients. |
E-mail:charlene0825@hotmail.com |
Syamsuri (善素力) |
Rector of ITATS, Indonesia; Ph.D. 2012, Topic: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modelling for Viscous Free Surface Flows. |
E-mail:syam_sby2003@yahoo.com |
Tel: (886)-2-2737-6496
Fax: (886)-2-2737-6460
E-mail: mjchern@mail.ntust.edu.tw